DEC Warns FAZ President

DEC Warns FAZ President
The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has advised Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) president Andrew Kamanga against preemptively interpreting his summoning by the Commission as sinister, emphasizing that it is a standard procedure.
Kamanga and the FAZ General Secretary have been summoned by the DEC regarding the Association allegedly taking non-FAZ members to the Africa Cup at the expense of government resources. FAZ reportedly spent K341,900 on per diem and K99,980 for return tickets for these individuals, using government funds.
The Ministry of Sport has requested FAZ to refund the money spent, considering the non-FAZ status of the two individuals, a move that has elicited mixed reactions from football stakeholders.
In response, FAZ has characterized the situation as government-third party interference and has sought FIFA’s intervention.
However, DEC Director General Nason Banda dismissed FAZ’s accusations, stating that FAZ should distinguish between the institution and the individuals being summoned. He urged FAZ officials not to jump to conclusions before understanding the reasons for their summoning, reiterating that there is nothing sinister about the process; it is simply standard procedure.