Andrew Kamanga Honors Legends Who Have Served Zambian Football

Andrew Kamanga Honors Legends Who Have Served Zambian Football
Faz president Andrew kamanga announces he will honor former footballers at next month’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) with a seat in the association’s structures.
The statement was made at the 28th Gabon Disaster Memorial, he said “legends need to be appreciated for their service to game, Kamanga went on to say the recognition of legends should not be done in haphazard fashion but in a structured manner to be effective.
He further indicated, legends who have served Zambian football at various times, to this end our executive will formalize the recognition of legends at next month’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) so that we have a basis of engaging them on various activities going on within FAZ”.
While at the memorial Zambia Coaches, Footballers and Multi-purpose Corporative Society representative Chiti Chola applauded FAZ and the current president for embracing and supporting this organization, Thanks to government to allow us to play this game.”